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The Rural Surgery Committee

The Rural Surgery Committee pursues a proactive agenda to stem the attrition of rural surgical services in general and, in particular, the small volume programs that are essential to sustain the rural maternity care programs. The pathways we have followed have generated  much of the primary research on rural surgical services in Canada and have built strong working relationships with obstetricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, midwives, and both policy and community partners. We promote strong advocacy with all the pentagram partners. A particular interest of this Committee s to support and strengthen the career pathways and training programs for rural Family Physicians interested in a surgical practice.


The committee has helped implement or discussed at events/meetings that have rural relevance?

1. Joint Position Paper on Rural Surgery and Operative Delivery 2015 Can J Rur Med
2. Rural Surgery Summit 2016 Banff AB ( report on ESS website)
3. Rural Surgery Summit 2017 Victoria BC ( hosted by the Canadian Association of General Surgeons)
3. ESS website ( in partnership with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC)
4. SRPC CPD for ESS and OSS Committee
5. Banff CPD for ESS/OSS program (recurring every 2 years)
6. Elevation of ESS and OSS training programs to Cat 1 status with a CAC ( collaboratively with CFPC, RC PSC, SOGC, CASGS)
7. Formation of the Canadian Institute for Rural Surgery and Operative Delivery (CIRSOD)…(in progress)
8. ESS/OSS CPD stream at the annual R&R programs.

Any SRPC Member that wish to be participate or get involved in the Rural Surgery Committee should send Dr. Iglesias an e-mail.