To reach our executive team, please email us at info@srpc.ca. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Dr. Gavin Parker – President
BSc, MSc (Med. Ed.), M.D., CCFP (FPA), FRRMS
SRPC President (2025-2026)
Pincher Creek, AB

Dr. Sarah Lespérance – Past President
Past President (2022-2024)
Amherst, NS
Nunavut, NWT

Dr. Emmanuel Abara
MD, FRCSC, FACS, FICS, FWACS, MSc.CH. Associate Professor-NOSM University
Richmond Hill , ON
Officers of the society are elected as per the bylaws at the annual meeting. Other volunteers from across the country help to make the work of the Society of Rural Physicians happen. These are your contact people. Please pass information, questions and problems through them for discussion at our monthly teleconference. The outcome will come back to you via the rural news, this website, the RuralMed mailing list, or directly via your representative. We can always use more manpower and ideas. If you have feel you have something to contribute, let us know!