Dr. Sarah Lespérance – Past President

Past President (2022-2024)
Amherst, NS
Nunavut, NWT

Dr. Sarah Lespérance is a rural generalist physician practicing in Amherst, Nova Scotia, and Nunavut. After residency at Dalhousie University, she worked in northern Canada with locums in Yukon, Labrador, and Nunavut, and lived in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Iqaluit.

She later practiced in Petitcodiac, NB, and now in Amherst while returning to work in the North. Sarah teaches at Dalhousie, conducts research on rural physician wellness, tuberculosis in Nunavut, and rural maternity care. Married to Fraser, involved in SRPC’s Rural Physician Partners of Canada, she enjoys long-distance running, highland dance, and outdoor activities with her two children.

She is involved in research, and true to the generalist mindset, this has included areas such as rural physician wellness and resilience, latent tuberculosis treatment in Nunavut, developing a competency-based curriculum for rural operative delivery, and factors impacting womens’ choices of maternity care provider.

She has held multiple leadership and advocacy roles, and has spoken at provincial, national and international forums on issues related to rural health equity, training and education, and rural maternity care services.

Sarah is married to Fraser, who has been actively involved in the SRPC’s Rural Physician Partners of Canada. They have two children, and when she is not working, she can be found long-distance running, organizing local highland dance competitions, or heading out with her family hiking, cross-country skiing, camping, or moving water canoeing.

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