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  • 14-Nov-2023 3:13 PM | Anonymous

    Are you a dedicated physician ready to impact Canadian rural healthcare? SRPC seeks individuals to join our Council, helping enhance rural community healthcare. Your expertise and commitment will drive real change!

    Standing Committee Chairpersons Needed:

    1. Indigenous Health: Advocate for the health and well-being of Indigenous communities in rural areas. (This role is reserved for an Indigenous physician)
    2. Nominations and Awards: Recognize outstanding contributions within our community.
    3. Rural Surgery: Promote advancements in rural surgical care.
    4. First 5 Years in Practice: Support early-career physicians in rural practice.
    5. Research: Drive innovative research initiatives to enhance rural healthcare.

    Provincial and Territorial Representatives Needed:

    • Nova Scotia
    • Quebec
    • British Columbia
    • Manitoba
    • Ontario

    Role as a Representative: Act as a vital link between SRPC members and the SRPC Council. You will be the primary contact for discussing current issues and ensuring the voice of your province or committee is heard.

    Term Details: Representatives serve a 3-year term, renewable once. Executive positions have a 2-year term, renewable once.

    Volunteer Time Commitment: Approximately 16 hours/year—1 full-day Spring Council, 4-hour Fall Council, and 2-4 1-hour Zoom committee meetings.

    How to Apply:

    1. Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) by eamil or in Microsoft Word (max 250 words), endorsed by one SRPC member in good standing.
    2. Include your curriculum vitae.
    3. Applicants must be active physician members of the SRPC.

    Important Dates: All nominations and EOIs must be received by Friday, December 15th, 2023.

    The Nominations & Awards Committee will carefully review all submissions and select the most suitable candidates.

    Apply today or contact Jenna Keindel for more information:

  • 02-Nov-2023 10:33 AM | Anonymous

    The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) wishes to comment on the successful passing of the four member‐proposed motions at the College of Family Physicians of Canada's (CFPC) Annual Meeting of Members (AMM) on November 1st, regarding transparency, governance, and a pause in plans to transition to a third year of family medicine residency training.

    It is clear by the number of online participants at the AMM, as well as the number of proxy votes, that there is significant and genuine concern regarding the impacts and unintended consequences of a shift to a third year of residency training that is shared by many family physicians. The same concern has been expressed by medical students, residents, and other organizations over the past few months.

    Recognizing these votes are non‐binding, the SRPC expresses its hope that the CFPC Board will carefully reflect upon the outcomes of the AMM and consider actions that provide a path forward to address the issues raised, including the need for an additional year of training as the best solution to enhance the number of physicians practicing comprehensive family medicine across this country.

    The SRPC remains unwavering in our commitment to advocating for high‐quality rural medical education, and our members include rural teachers and leaders, who are experts in comprehensive, generalist education. While we continue our efforts to ensure that the concerns of rural physicians and communities are heard, we also confirm our commitment to work with the CFPC on this issue. If we can truly collaborate with the CFPC and other stakeholders, we can plan and design a curriculum that improves the health of all Canadians.

    For media inquiries, please contact:


  • 17-Oct-2023 5:00 PM | Anonymous

    The official journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada 

    Volume 28, no. 4, Fall 2023

    In this Issue 
    • Clinical courage of COVID-19
    • Use and barriers of PoCUS
    • Reduced length of stay after colorectal surgery
    • The Occasional intravenous lipid emulsion therapy

    Read it Now
  • 11-Oct-2023 9:55 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Medical Students and Residents,

    We are excited to invite you to participate in the 31st Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference, which will take place in Edmonton, Alberta. April 18th to 20th, 2024. As we prepare to open registration, we wanted to share a fantastic funding opportunity for Canadian medical students and residents.

    What's New?

    • A guaranteed $20,000 in funding is now available exclusively for medical students and residents, to significantly reduce registration fees.
    • 25 medical students and 25 residents will each receive $400 in funding.

    Who is Eligible?

    To qualify for this exciting opportunity, you must meet the following criteria:

    • You must be a SRPC Member
    • You must attend all 3 days of the conference
    • You must be attending/attended a Canadian medical school.
    • You must not be receiving funds(*) from another source to attend.

      *Note: The ~$1000 conference funds most residents in Canada receive each year is not considered "funded" and you still qualify.
      *You are still eligible if you are participating in the co-presenter program.

    How to Apply?

    • Register for the Rural and Remote Medicine Conference by January 20, 2024.
    • Select "INVOICE ME" and submit. (Don't Pay)

    How will I know if I was selected?

    • End of January, you will receive an email from the SRPC indicating if you were randomly selected to receive funding.
    • All learners must pay their conference fee by March 1st 2024. If a learner was randomly chosen to receive funding but has not paid their registration fee by this date, the funding will be given to another learner.

    For any inquiries about the process or application, please reach out to Jenna at We extend our heartfelt thanks to our generous sponsors for making this initiative possible, further enhancing access to rural medicine education in Canada.

    A special thank you to the SRPC students and residents who contributed to shaping the R&R Funding program for Rural Learners:

    • Jessica Bennett
    • Taylor Hammond
    • Alaa Baiou
    • Victoria Landry
    • Sonja Poole
    • Alexis Sharp

    We look forward to your participation and the continued growth of our vibrant rural medical community and hope to see you in April.

  • 03-Oct-2023 3:06 PM | Anonymous

    In recent weeks, there has been a surge in media coverage concerning the extended length of family medicine residency training. The SRPC’s position is that any extension of residency training should be approached only after thorough consideration of risks, and with robust evidence of a potential to benefit rural medical education, physicians and communities.

    Our primary objective is to advocate for the well‐being of rural communities and the healthcare providers who serve them, and many of our members are actively involved in teaching future generations of rural physicians. While the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s (CFPC) decision to pursue this change may be well‐intended, we believe that it presents several significant challenges that warrant caution.

    Potential Exacerbation of Work Shortages in Rural Areas

    Rural communities in Canada are already struggling with a shortage of healthcare providers. The decision to extend the duration of residency training may further exacerbate this issue by delaying the entry of family physicians into rural practice. This delay could have adverse consequences for patients in underserved areas who urgently require access to primary care.

    Rural Residents Feel Prepared

    The majority of family medicine residents who go through a rural training program feel well-prepared to handle the unique complexities of rural healthcare. Their training equips them with the generalist skillset necessary to address a broad range of medical issues in resource‐limited settings.

    Potential Career Deterrence, Including Those with Advanced Skills Training

    Prolonging family medicine residency training may discourage graduates from pursuing family medicine as a career. The additional year of training could make other specialties more appealing and diminish the already small pool of family physicians available to serve rural communities, particularly those with enhanced skills such as anesthesia, obstetrics, and surgical services. In an SRPC survey of learners performed this year, 44% did not feel the new curriculum would make them more likely to practice comprehensive family practice at the end of their residency, 63 % felt that extension of residency would affect their choice in a family medicine residency program, and 68 % felt that extension of training would change their choice of an enhanced skills program.

    Lack of Evidence‐Based Decision‐Making

    The SRPC is concerned about the lack of comprehensive evidence that led to the decision to alter the training duration. A decision of this magnitude should be grounded in robust research and data analysis, considering the potential health human resource and financial implications for both urban and rural healthcare settings.

    There is a crisis in primary care, and it is strongly felt in rural communities. The SRPC firmly believes that the issues, and solutions to this crisis, extend well beyond a lack of confidence by family medicine residents. In fact, the broader challenges lie in the urgent need to reform and modernize primary care practices, including shifting to team‐based care, reducing administrative burdens, and developing support networks for those in practice. Addressing these issues will enhance the quality of care delivered by family physicians and reduce burnout.

    While not consulted as an organization prior to decisions being made, as this issue evolves, the SRPC continues to actively engage with the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) in efforts to ensure that the rural perspective is heard. We are a member of the CFPC’s Education Reform Taskforce, and are committed to working collaboratively to minimize unintended consequences for rural physicians and their communities.

    The healthcare landscape is ever‐changing, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that these changes are made with the utmost consideration for patients and healthcare providers alike.

    For media inquiries, please contact:


  • 02-Oct-2023 11:11 AM | Anonymous

    Rural Outreach & Mentorship Initiative (ROMI)

    The Rural Outreach & Mentorship Initiative (ROMI) is now recruiting mentees and mentors for the 2023-2024 school year! ROMI offers free one-on-one mentorship for high school students from rural communities interested in exploring a career in medicine.

    We match grade 11-12 students from rural or remote areas with current medical students who are passionate about supporting rural youth. We also offer monthly virtual presentations and panel discussions on various topics related to careers in medicine and healthcare.

    Interested? Sign-up by October 31, 2023 using the links below or email us at for more information!

    High-school students: [sign up here]

    Medical students: [sign up here]

  • 06-Sep-2023 12:06 PM | Anonymous

    Are you a medical student passionate about RURAL MEDICINE?

    If so, the SRPC Student Committee wants you!

    As a subset of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada, we are a committee of medical students from across Canada who are collectively committed to supporting student interest in rural and remote medicine.

    We are happy to announce that our applications are now open for a variety of positions on our committee! There are so many ways to get involved!

    To apply please fill out the appropriate Google form:

    Learn more about our committee and our terms of reference.  

    Applications close Friday, September 29th, 2023 at 11:59 PM EDT


    Vous êtes étudiant(e) en médecine passionné(e) par la MÉDECINE RURALE?

    Si oui, nous vous voulons sur notre équipe!

    Nous sommes un subdivision d’étudiants du Société de la médecine rurale du Canada (SRMC), qui œuvre à encourager et faire grandir l’intérêt des étudiants envers la médecine rurale et éloignée.

    Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que notre période de postulation est maintenant ouverte, avec plusieurs postes disponibles! Il y a une multitude d’options pour vous impliquer au sein de notre équipe!

    Pour postuler, veuillez remplir le formulaire approprié: 

    Découvrez plus sure notre comité étudiant et lire nos termes de référence.

    Les candidatures ferment vendredi le 29 septembre 2023 à 23:59 HAE

  • 31-Aug-2023 12:09 PM | Anonymous

    The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) Resident Committee is comprised of resident doctors from across Canada collectively committed to supporting residents interested in rural and remote medicine. We would be delighted to have you as part of our team! Description of the different positions are on the form below. Learn more about our committee here:

    Deadline: September 18, 2023 by 11:59 pm (EST)

    All members of the SRPC Resident Committee must also be members of the SRPC ( - membership is only $20 for the year! If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Co-Chairs at!


    Recruitment Form


    Le comité des résident(e)s de la Société de la médecine rurale du Canada (SMRC) est composé de médecins résidents provenant de partout au Canada engagés collectivement à soutenir les résidents intéressés par la médecine rurale et éloignée. Nous serions ravis de vous compter parmi notre équipe! La description des différents postes se trouve plus bas sur ce formulaire. Apprenez-en davantage ici:

    Date limite: Le 18eme septembre 2023 à 23 h 59 (EST)

    Tous les membres du comité des résidents doivent également être membres de la SMRC ( - l'adhésion coûte seulement 20 $ pour l'année! N'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel à si vous avez des questions!


    Formulaire de recrutement

  • 18-Jul-2023 3:53 PM | Anonymous
    In 2021, the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) Student Committee, Northern Ontario and Rural Medicine (NORM) Committee, and the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) came together to collaborate on a resource for medical students who are interested in rural medicine elective opportunities. Led by the SRPC Student Committee, it was decided that we would update the rural filter of the  CFMS Electives Database to accurately represent all university-affiliated rural elective opportunities. The SRPC Student Committee also decided to bring together all the resources that currently exist and create The National Rural Electives Handbook that can be your go-to resource for all things related to rural electives. The NORM Committee has played a significant role in helping compile data and support this project.

    This handbook is a product of the hard work of numerous individuals over the years. It is a living document that will continue to be updated with new rural elective opportunities over time. It covers elective opportunities available to all specialties and houses links to many resources that you may find useful. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this handbook, we cannot assure this with absolute certainty and information may change over time. However, we hope this handbook will help you decide on your future rural elective memories and the excellent rural  learning experiences yet to come!

    Access Handbook Here

    If you notice any errors in this handbook, please email us at to get it fixed.


    Anchaleena Mandal

    Lead for the SRPC-NORM-CFMS Electives Collaboration

    SRPC Student Committee  Co-Chair 2021-2023

  • 17-Jul-2023 3:14 PM | Anonymous

    The official journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada 

    Volume 28, no. 3, summer 2023

    In this Issue 
    • Rural impact on vulvodynia diagnosis and management
    • Barriers to physician recruitment in Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Health of Alberta Hutterites: Sustainable Farm Families Alberta Program
    • The Occasional: The importance of sims
    Read it Now