About Society of Rural Physicians of Canada

Championing Rural Health Care Canada

The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) (Rural Doctors Network) is the national voice of Canadian rural physicians. Founded in 1992, the SRPC’s mission is championing rural generalist medical care through education, collaboration, advocacy, and research.

On behalf of its members and the Canadian public, SRPC performs a wide variety of functions, such as developing and advocating health delivery mechanisms, supporting rural doctors and communities in crisis, promoting, and delivering continuing rural medical education, encouraging and facilitating research into rural health issues, and fostering communication among rural physicians and other groups with an interest in rural health care. 

The SRPC is a voluntary professional organization with over 3500 members representing rural physicians spanning the country. 

Rural Doctors Network
Rural Doctors Network
Rural Doctors Network

Strategic Plan in Society of rural physicians of Canada

Rural Doctors Network

Our Vision 

Excellent health care close to home for all rural Canadians.

Rural Doctors Network

Our Mission 

Championing rural generalist medical care through education, collaboration, advocacy, and research.

Society of rural physicians of canada, rural doctors network on canada


  • Membership growth and engagement
  • Enhancing rural generalist education
  • Supporting our communities

Rural Health Canada

SRPC defines rural as communities of 10 000 people or less.
Rural Doctors Network

Rural Medicine: Medical care provided where access to specialist care and specialized resources is limited or distant. (Rourke -CSA 2019)  

Rural Doctors Network

Remote Medicine: Medical care provided where/when transfer/access to in-time specialist care and specialized resources is high-risk or impossible (Rourke-CSA 2019) 

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