You Could Win $500-$1000
Deadlines are quickly approaching.
Get your Essay and your Research Abstract to us by Tuesday December 31st, 2024.

Each year the SRPC’s Nominations and Awards Committee hosts a rural essay contest for medical students and residents. The winning essays will be added to our website and considered for publication in the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine (CJRM).
The winners will receive the equivalent of $500 (student) or $1000 (resident) credited towards the cost of attending the 32nd Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference – April 24-26, 2025 – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Eligible costs may include registration, travel to and from the conference, accommodations and social events.
Tell us a great story, and share your experience. We look forward to reading your submissions.
STUDENTS: Please send us a self-reflection from your elective in rural medicine.
RESIDENTS: Please send us a self-reflection from your experience in rural medicine.
- Must be an active SRPC Student/Resident member.
- Non-fiction essay
- Firm Deadline: Tuesday December 31st, 2024.
- Length: 500 – 1000 words
- Format: Microsoft Word

Research Poster Presentation
Have you been busy with rural research? We want you to showcase it at the next big event. Submit it for review by our research committee, and your poster could be on display for all to see.
Research Poster Award
The rural research poster session will be held at the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada’s Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference each spring.
Poster proposals must include a clear research purpose, objective, methodology, summary of the research results and conclusion. We will judge the posters on rural relevance, research methodology, impact, clarity of presentation and your ability to answer questions regarding your research.
Posters are restricted to a width of 4 feet and a height of 3 feet. Students and residents will each have the opportunity of being awarded the best student/ resident research poster.
Winners will win the equivalent of $500 credited towards attending the conference. ($500 Student prize and $500 Resident Prize)
- Students and Residents must be a member of the SRPC.
- The deadline for submission is Tuesday December 31st, 2024.
Format: Microsoft WordSubmit Your Abstract
R&R Dates: April 24-26, 2025 – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Theme: Where the Rivers Meet: Building Bridges in Rural Medicine for a Brighter Future.SRPC’s 32st Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference

Rural Student / Rural Resident Leadership Award
Are you involved in numerous committees? Are you trying to make a positive impact on rural healthcare? Do you volunteer in the community? Nominate yourself or a friend.
The Rural Student/Resident Leadership Awards are presented to students and residents in good academic standing who have demonstrated a sustained interest in rural medicine through any of the following:
- Electives in rural or remote areas or in disciplines particularly important to rural practice (e.g. Indigenous health).
- Involvement with local or national rural or remote health groups (e.g. SRPC).
- Promotion of rural or remote health initiatives at a local or national level.
- Involvement in volunteer or community-based projects in rural or remote areas.
- Published work relating to rural or remote issues.
The award is open to all student and resident SRPC members across Canada.
Note: Students are only eligible to win this award once but can re-apply for the award in residency.
Guidelines on how to nominate:
- Nominees must be a member of the SRPC.
- Include a letter of support from a preceptor or SRPC physician member describing how the nominee meets the award criteria. The preceptor or SRPC physician member may give the letter of support to the student or resident to submit or send it directly to SRPC.
- Format: Microsoft Word (max 250 words) A brief description of how the individual meets the above-noted criteria
- Submit your Nomination letter(s) online here or send your nomination email to
- Your nomination must be received by January 31st.
Deadline is January 31st
$250 each for two student winners and $500 each for two resident winners credited towards attending the conference.