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Enhanced Surgical Skills / Obstetrical Surgical Skills Program

This Group Learning program has been certified by
the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Alberta Chapter for up to 8 Mainpro+ credits.

Banff, AB - Rimrock Hotel  -  Jan 15 & 16 2020

Registration Page

Sponsored by:

                 (Committee on Rural and Regional Practice)       

Full Program and Syllabus

*Schedule subject to change.

Wednesday, January 15th – Pre Course (Additional Cost)
08:00 – 16:00    Surgical Obstetrical Skills for Post Partum Hemorrhage (SOS for PPH)

                          The Dreaded Cesarean Hysterectomy - A High Fidelity Simulation Course

Wednesday, January 15th 
18:00      Registration and Meet & Greet

19:00      Dinner and Plenary
My VBAC with a BMI of 40 won’t leave my rural center! What now?
Who is captain of the ship?

                 Dr. Andrew Kotaska


Thursday, January 16th 

07:30   Welcome
              Dr. Jan Christilaw

07:45   Revelstoke Trauma Program
              Dr. Vikki Haines and Dr. Phil Dawe

08:15   Does Rural Surgery Make the Cut?
              Dr. Sean Ebert and Ms. Naomi Jensen

08:40  Simulation: Are we clear with our Objectives?
             Dr. Neeraj Mehra

09:10  Pearls for OSS

1.     Is That Shoulder Really Stuck? Avoiding Shoulder Dystocia and Preventing Brain Damage
  • Two step delivery avoids shoulder dystocia.
  • Physiology-based management prevents brain damage.
2.     Don’t Cut the Cord!
  • For premies and depressed infants, DCC provides so much more than hemoglobin.
   Dr. Andrew Kotaska



10:30 – 12:00 Small Group Discussions
(Participants pick 2 sessions that will run from 10:30-11:10 and 11:20 -12:00)

1. “My Worst Day in the OR” Obstetrics and Gynecology Edition
     (Bring your own cases.)
     Dr. Joanne Sivertson

2. It’s a Breech!  Keeping Cool, Calm and Continent
     If it is coming fast, your job is...

     (Hands on Simulation)
     Dr. Andrew Kotaska

3. Can Our Surgery Program Be Better?
     Dr. Sean Ebert and Ms. Naomi Jensen

4. Simulation: Are we clear with our Objectives?
     Dr. Neeraj Mehra

12:00      LUNCH

                 Operating Room Nurses of Canada (ORNAC) – Randi Galenzoski

13:00      “Getting it Right the First Time” – Hernia Surgery and Other Surgical Pearls
                 Dr. Roy Kirkpatrick

13:30      What the…  Okay, Now What?!” - Less Common Obgyn Findings and Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks.
Dr. Joanne Sivertson

14:00      Team SIMS in Your Home OR (ESCAPE)
Dr. Bruce McKnight


14:45 – 16:30 Small Group Discussions
(Participants pick 2 sessions that will run from 14:45 - 15:30 and 15:40 - 16:30)

 1.      “My Worst Day in the OR” General Surgery Edition
             (Bring your own cases)            
             Dr. Roy Kirkpatrick
2.       PPH!! Ten Minutes to Avoid Blood Transfusion, Transfer, and Hysterectomy
             (A hands-on simulation workshop.)

             You have 10 golden minutes to prevent a cascade of catch-up.
             Practical tips you won’t find in PPH algorithms.
             Practical tips for haemorrhage with ectopics, miscarriage, etc.
            Dr. Andrew Kotaska
3.      Roles for ESS/OSS in Trauma
             Dr. Phil Dawe, Dr. Emilie Joos, Dr. Vikki Haines

4.      Team SIMS in YOUR Community
             Dr. Bruce McKnight
5.      Laparoscopic Tips and Tricks
             Dr. Neeraj Mehra

16:30      Closing Remarks

Extended Program (Additional Costs)

Thursday, January 16th

18:00 – 20:00  Dinner
“The Role of Family Physicians in Rural Surgery: A Global Perspective”
Dr. Ryan Falk and Dr. Emilie Joos

Friday, January 17th 

08:00 – 10:00  Breakfast
“Where Do We Go Next?”
Panel and Discussion Led by CPD Committee


08:00 – 10:00  Breakfast
Sponsored by College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA)

Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC) – Michael Sandler Executive Director

At your earliest convenience, please fill in the Overall ESS/OSS Evaluation that should only take five minutes. Thank you in advance, we truly appreciate your participation.

Overall and Workshop Evaluation

Tweet and share your thoughts on Social Media about the event. 
Use #SRPC2020 #ESS #OSS @SRPCanana

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