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Residents & Students 

Students and Residents Rural Research Poster Contest

Share information or results from a proposed, ongoing, or completed research project.

Each year, a rural research poster session is hosted at the SRPC's Rural & Remote Conference. Poster proposals must include a clear research purpose, objective, methodology, summary of the research results and conclusion. We will judge the posters on rural relevance, research methodology, impact, clarity of presentation and ability to answer questions regarding your research. Posters are restricted to a width of 4 feet and a height of 3 feet.

SRPC attendees have a chance to win $500 towards conference attendance for the best student or resident research poster.

  • Students and Residents must be a member of the SRPC.
  • The deadline for submission is December 31st. each year.
  • Format: Microsoft Word

Deadline: December 31st each year.

Students and Residents Rural Essay Contest

Each year the SRPC's Nominations and Awards Committee hosts a rural essay contest for medical students and residents. The winning essays will be added to our website and considered for publication in the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine (CJRM).

The winners will receive the equivalent of $500 (student) or $1000 (resident) credited towards the cost of attending the SRPC's Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course.

Eligible costs may include registration, travel to and from the conference, accommodations and social events. 

Tell us a great story, and share your experience. We look forward to reading your submissions.

STUDENTS: Please send us a self-reflection from your elective in rural medicine.

RESIDENTS: Please send us a self-reflection from your experience in rural medicine.


  • Must be an active SRPC Student/Resident member. 
  • Non-fiction essay 
  • Length: 500 - 1000 words 
  • File Format: Microsoft Word
  • File Name Format: Student-Essay-LastName-FirstName.docx or Resident-Essay-LastName-FirstName.docx
  • Submit your essay to

Deadline: December 31st each year.

Connect with mentors to elevate your community, patient care, and profession.


Join the membership committed to supporting
students and residents interested in rural and
remote medicine.

Elevate your career, access guidance and increase your understanding of the scope of rural practice.


Student & Resident Membership Benefits

The SRPC Mentorship Program for Students, Residents and New to Practice Physician Members:

Connect with rural physicians across Canada for powerful learning opportunities outside of the formal academic environment.

Access The Rural Residency Catalogue:

Access the annual Rural Residency Catalogue for 2022, created by the Society of Rural Physicians Student Committee, which compiles information on rural sites all across Canada.

Additional Benefits

Influence Advocacy

Access the lively and informative RuralMed, MedRurale, Student RuralMed and/or Ruralanesthesia email listserv communities.

Community Access

Access the lively and informative RuralMed, MedRurale, Student RuralMed and/or Ruralanesthesia email listserv communities.

Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine

Complimentary subscription to the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine.

Priority Registration

Get priority registration to small sessions and hands-on workshops offered at the Rural and Remote Conference

Savings & Discounts

Access member-exclusive discounts and preferred rates with SRPC affiliates.

Manual of the Rural practice

Access the Manual of Rural Practice in PDF format.

Membership levels and rates

All Membership fees are subject to provincial taxes.

First year of practice, registrants in a rural or remote practice in Canada get 50% off their dues!


Medical Students
Medical Residents

Join the SRPC Now

1. Enroll

Become a member of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada.

2. Engage

Engage with our diverse membership of rural physicians, and explore our growing rural clinical resources.

3. Elevate

Connect with the SRPC to be the voice for Rural Physicians to advocate for comprehensive care close to home for all rural Canadians.

SRPC Student Committee

The SRPC Student committee is comprised of medial students from across Canada with an interest in rural and remote medicine. As a representative of this committee you act as a liason between the SRPC and your medical school.

SRPC Resident Committee

The SRPC Resident committee is comprised of medical residents from across Canada collectively committed to supporting residents interested in rural and remote medicine.