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Rural Relevant Podcasts

If you have a link to a podcast channel that others will appreciate, please share it with us so we can include it below.  Send your email to

The Future of Rural and Northern Health Care in Canada - Dr. James Rourke

In this 34 minute podcast Dr. Rourke presents contrasting visions of a realities-based dystopian future and a possibilities-based utopian future. After a visualization exercise, he uses 16 Canadian examples to shine a light on 4 essential areas: Rural Mental Health, Maternity Care, Primary  Health Care, and Rural Emergencies and Transfers. He closes with 4 vital future directions: Rural Health Research, Rural Health Care Plans, Networks of Care, and the Quadruple Aim Rural HHR.

Click here to listen

Rural & Remote Resuscitation Rounds Podcast

❧ RnR Rounds Podcast is FOAMed, so feel free to share it with anyone you think might get a kick out of it!  The podcast is an independent but complimentary arm of the accredited RnR Rounds Simulation Program.

❧ RnR Rounds Podcast has no academic disclosures or other financial interests in industry.  Any connection to  "products" mentioned during episodes will be clearly declared at that time.

❧ RnR Rounds Podcast covers real world cases from Rural & Remote Emergency Departments in Canada.

 ❧ If you have an interesting rural emergency case you would like to share (i.e. as an episode of the RnR Rounds Podcast), please contact us!  We'd like to invite you to contribute!

❧ All cases are modified to provide anonymity to community, patients and staff.

❧ Information shared on this podcast is provided to spark listener contemplation.  We offer learning points with each episode and will make our best efforts to ensure teaching is up to date at the time of recording, "correct" and in keeping with Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).  However, the listener must also understand that EBM has significant limitations, particularly in rural locations and patient populations that often have poor overlap with the usual academic urban facilities, resources and patient populations which are under study.  The listener is always encouraged to think critically, and consider the applicability of this podcast's advice and recommendations in the context of the listener's own practice environment.  

❧ Yes these bullets appear to be turnips.  Turnips are an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, phosphorus & calcium!  See? You're even learning something on this About-Podcast page! 

The Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine (SGEM) Podcast

The SGEM tried to cut the knowledge translation gap from over ten years down to less than one year. It does this by using a podcast and blog critically appraising the recent literature. The ultimate goal of the SGEM is for patients to get the best care, based on the best evidence.

The Skeptic’s Guide to Emergency Medicine is a project in process. I am always trying to make it better. This means feedback is important and appreciated. If you have a comment, suggestion or advice on how I can make TheSGEM better please let me know.

Perhaps you have a show idea or paper you would like covered? Maybe you would like TheSGEM to highlight your Journal Club. Whatever your comments are just send me an email.

Dr. Ken Milne

EM:RAP Podcast

Everything you need for a lifetime of learning

EM:RAP has changed the game for emergency medical education. Gone are the days when you had to buy multiple products from different vendors. With your EM:RAP subscription you gain access to everything you will ever need throughout your career, all for one low price.

The SRPC has a special Members Only Promo code. Request SRPC Code for first-time EM:RAP subscribers.

Really Rural Surgery and Obstetrics podcast

Really Rural Surgery and Obstetrics is an educational medical podcast series that analyzes relevant surgical studies in the context of rural surgery in Canada. While its intended audience is Enhanced Surgical Skills family physicians, the content is relevant to anyone participating in surgery in rural and remote areas.

The Introverted Doctor

With Dr. Lalit Chawla

Welcome to The Introverted Doctor, the podcast that uncovers myths, mistakes, and misconceptions that hold healthcare professionals back from living their best life at work, home, and play. Each week, Dr. Lalit Chawla will present tips and strategies that you can begin applying right away! He's a full-time Family Physician, Adjunct Professor of Medicine, International Lecture and Writer.   In his former life, he was a professional Illusionist and still uses his skills in his workshops, lectures and in the clinical setting.

Inside Medical Malpractice Podcast

Named as one of the top healthcare podcasts on the web! Medical dramas, real or fictional, have filled media over the past decade… but what about the medical drama that happens around us every single day? There are nearly 100,000 malpractice cases filed every year in North America, each with its own unique set of facts that not even the best writers could conjure up. Listen in as Chris Rokosh RN, PNC(C), Legal Nurse Consultant and President of Connect Experts, interviews guests that range from lawyers to doctors, nurses and patients. Visit the Connect Experts podcast here.